Monday, October, 14,2024

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Vijay Singla’s campaign near Chandigarh Railway Station of Planting Trees to protect the environment

Chandigarh: Vijay Singla, advisor to JTL Infra, is helping to create a green environment by holding a tree-planting ceremony near the Chandigarh railway station. According to Vijay Singla, railway stations are public space and, as such, are likely to be contaminated with pollution and dirt. It is beneficial to plant trees here to make the place look nicer and enhance the air quality.

In order to preserve the environment and make the nearby area of the Chandigarh railway station more beautiful, people must take part in tree planting and everyone should do their part.     

Vijay Singla attended a tree-planting ceremony in the 2nd week of July to mark the start of a massive tree planting exercise here 1 lakh sapling will be planted that would take place over four phases. He addressed the crowd, along with their employees, he says, "it is our duty to preserve the environment and leave a healthy future for the next generation. And to accomplish this, I encourage you all to at least plant or adopt one tree and take care of it like you would do to your own child".  

During the tree planting ceremony, 10,000 saplings will be planted in a huge open area where 1,00,000 saplings will be planted in future. He mentioned that 1000 saplings had been planted in the area near the railway station.  

This green campaign near the railway station area in Chandigarh will improve people’s lives. A few strategically placed trees can contribute to erosion management, flood control, climate regulation, air purification, and mental and physical health. They can also provide an aesthetic appeal.  

You can choose to plant trees in a group of people who share the same passion and enthusiasm towards a healthy and clean environment. The more indirect method of planting trees can make you feel more connected to your local green space. It helps calm the mind and the soul.

Trees are our best weapon in the fight to reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide and slow down climate change. Studies show that urban and rural regeneration can help sequester 200 billion pounds of carbon dioxide over the course of the next 50 to 100 years. Considering all the advantages they provide; trees are actually quite affordable.

A poster contest and street plays were also held during the tree-planting ceremony to raise awareness about the importance of tree planting and conservation. "The efforts made by these young children are admirable and deserve recognition. If our children are making efforts like these to protect the environment, then it is our responsibility to ensure that they have a Future generation to inherit it". After the successful tree planting campaign, Vijay Singla arranged a lunch for the railway staff and other workers.

According to a consultant of the company and friend of the Vijay Singla, Pawan Bansal, “this tree-planting campaign will be a game-changer and mold out an attractive and vibrant space from the lifeless empty ground”. Mental health and wellness are significantly improved by trees, which also lower stress levels and promote outdoor activity for the residents who live nearby. They will also benefit from improved environmental quality and more amenities, such as trees, that come with planted areas.

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