Thursday, October, 03,2024

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COMMUNICATIONIts Essence in Our Lives

Devarshi Narada is considered as the first communicator or Journalist of Hindu mythology and since time immemorial communication has been an essential aspect of human lives. Swami Vivekananda represents the high noon of a Hindu revival and conveyed it globally with his excellent communication skills. From cave paintings, hieroglyphs and carrier pigeons, to e-mails, voicemails and hologram conferences, the manner in which humanity has shared, debated and listened to ideas has undergone drastic changes at a fast pace - and continues to do so at an even faster pace now with technological improvements and the presence of social media in day to day life. Communication - the human Connection is the key to personal and career success. The new global and diverse workplace requires excellent communication skills and there is really no escape from this. Communication is most important, both for the spiritual world and for the material world- whether we are trying to establish a connection with Cosmic-consciousness or with different relationships in the world, personal or professional. World famous writer Anthony Robbins said ‘The way we communicate with others and with ourselves ultimately determines the quality of our life. Well, what an a p p r o p r i a t e summing up of an otherwise vast topic of Communication which in simple terms means an act of transferring information from one person to another and one place to other. It can also be seen as a process that links the individual, the groups, and the organizations. The process of communication is what allows us to interact with other people; without it, we would be unable to share knowledge or experiences with anything outside of ourselves. Common forms of communication include speaking, writing, gestures, touch and broadcasting and these take shape of Intrapersonal, Inter-Personal, Group and Mass Communication. The contribution of the internet and WWW has impacted many, many communication technologies that later on contribute to various kinds of users. Starting with the introduction of the e-mail, this permitted the business to eradicate the use of traditional post mail saving money on paper and post services in favour of sending electronically converted data from one computer to another in just a few seconds. Cell phones have evolved from landline devices to small, pocket-sized apparatuses that incorporate endless possibilities of not just communicating, but also socializing, sharing media, etc. Good communication skills can improve the way that you operate through life, smoothing your way in your relationships with others. Poor communication skills, on the other hand, can sour relationships from business to personal, and make your life significantly harder.

Principles of Communication:
Lack of effective communication renders an individual or an organization handicapped. Adhering to these principles shall make communication effective, minimize human relations problems and increase overall efficiency. These are Clarity, Adequacy, Attention, Timeliness, Consistency, Integrated Network, Economy of Effort and Feedback. Importance of Communication. An effective communication system creates a positive environment and sharing one’s thoughts, ideas and feelings enables us to make our lives fuller and happier. Better communication is a trusted generator among people and provides more opportunities for individuals to progress and grow. Admirable communication skills earn people's love and respect and help establish a good reputation in society. A person's success in his life is at times related more to his mastery of communication skills than work skills.

What Impedes Communication? There are some factors that impede communication:
Personal factors like Lack of knowledge of the subject or language, Physiological Barriers like Ill Health, Pain, Mood, Energy Level / Fatigue, Body Language, Environmental Noise, Attitudes and other distractions. And External factors like Cultural Barriers, Legal Obligations, Privacy Laws and Social Taboos, Code of Conduct of Organisations , Confidentiality and Lack of Trust. It would be pertinent to note that in conflicts 10 % is the difference of opinion and 90 % is tone and delivery.

Essentials of Effective Communication:
Be Trustworthy and Honest, Avoid Rushing Through, Flexibility and Adaptability, Stay in the Moment, Pay Attention to NonVerbal Cues, Pick the Right Medium. Listening, Clarity and Concision, Confidence, Empathy & Respect, and must Follow up and take Feedback. Great communicators can influence change, whether political, cultural or business. From Winston Churchill to Ronald Reagan, Steve Jobs to Martin Luther King, Vivekananda to Mahatma Gandhi history is full of individuals who, through their words and deeds, have shifted public opinion and behaviour. Barack Obama, Stephen Colbert, and the “Oracle of Omaha” Warren Buffet are all hailed as great communicators who have impacted the lives of millions. Narendra Modi uses a mix of message and style which has made him one of the most successful political communicators of modern Indian politics, agree observers, be they, critics or sympathizers. It is his connection and effective communication with the masses that have made him a worldlevel leader and statesman.

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