Monday, September, 30,2024

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Who of us is not infected with it? But this infection is not one that we can fight with antibiotics. Nor does its remedy lie in pills. We can feel its symptoms every day.

The knot of tension in our stomach, the splitting headache, the feeling that ‘I’m going to explode,’ that ‘I just can’t take it anymore.’ Current diseases manifest themselves in many forms, but most are rooted in a single poison – stress.

Anxiety has become so much part of our lives that we have stopped noticing it, like people who live near a busy train station or airport may no longer notice the noise.

What brings distress to one person may be a refreshing experience for someone else.

The overcrowded areas and loud noises can affect many, but some things affect all – such as personal illness, loss of job and financial reverses.

Boredom is one of the most crushing and grinding of stresses. It is an unpleasant feeling that something is not right and that one’s needs are not met, a feeling of being trapped. Many are bored with their routine jobs or a dull social life.

Lacking any stimulation, it may cause a person to sleep a lot, bringing sickness, inefficiency and personal problems. Our mind desires change, challenge, learning and new experiences. Variety adds spice to life.

When nothing is really challenging, even the most glamorous, privileged existence is boring. The struggle to balance work, family and outside commitments, has intensified. Excessive pressure creates mental confusion and can trigger foolish actions that we later regret.

Burdened with anxieties and daily hassles, many try to drink away their frustrations. Others try to go on sprees with their friends or put on a mask of cheerfulness.

Using such escapist measures only increases frustration. Like a spirited horse, stress can give us an enjoyable and exhilarating ride.

But if it goes wildly out of control, life is at ri sk. So, stress in manageable doses, can provide the stimulus to be creative, productive, enthusiastic and cause us to rise up quickly to challenging situations.

One can never really get rid of all stress from life. What we have to look at is our reaction to it. We can learn to lessen it. Just like steam boilers need escape valves, we need a good support system of friends and family to reduce anxiety.

By resolving conflicts and accepting others as they are, we avoid getting annoyed by every trifle in life specially when our expectations are not fulfilled.

Also, complimenting and treating others with respect, brings out their best. An organised and clean environment reduces irritants.

Surrounding ourselves with things that make us relax – photos, flowers and mementos, helps.

Spending time on ourselves in reading and physical exercise fills our personal resource bank that charges us emotionally. Meals, with large portions of fruits and vegetables, prevent fatigue.

Achievement obsession can cause tension. Wanting to be the best is an admirable goal but getting fixated on that one thought can make one forget to enjoy the precious moments.

By recognizing our limitations, abilities and circumstances, and working out a practical schedule, one can focus on what can be done rather than worrying upon what cannot be done.

Completing tasks instead of postponing minimizes anguish. Staying calm and trying to solve problems step by step makes us feel in control.

At times, taking help and delegating work, prevents stress from overpowering us. Another way to fight off the tension of daily pressures is to cultivate a sense of humor.

Laughing is healthful – we relieve tensions and brighten our mood. Balancing work and leisure reduces stress.

Taking regular breaks for a change of pace increases productivity, thus stimulating the mind. Many times a change is needed in how we view our situation to cope with feelings of helplessness.

Dwelling on past errors can add stress to the present. Life can be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards

. The capacity to contemplate the harmonious elegance in nature is one of the most satisfactory experiences.

Looking at something greater than our conscious self makes all daily troubles appear to shrink in comparison.

Peace of mind can be achieved through contact with the sublime. One can gain perspective of one’s problems before the universal realities.

Minimizing anxiety is more than a matter of following a simple step or formula. Often, a change in outlook is needed.

Making a daily practice of stress management a priority in our busy lives can reduce the stressful triggers and soothe our heart, mind and emotions. THE VIEWS EXPRESSED BY THE AUTHOR ARE PERSONAL

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