Monday, September, 30,2024

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Quit smoking using psychology - A QuitSure way

We all know and have heard how difficult it is to quit smoking. In a world where the highest success rates of any quit smoking method are merely 5-10%, it is difficult to keep your spirits high and self-confidence intact. And understandably so, repeated failure to quit can cause a severe dent to your hopes to quit.

‘Then which ways to quit smoking will work’?, you might ask. One of the best quit smoking apps in the app world is ‘QuitSure’. With a whopping success rate of 95%, this app works its magic on the users. Infact, many users start off with being skeptical about this and end by conquering their addiction by quitting smoking permanently. 

With a success rate of 95% (based on 4000+ app reviews) in 150+ countries , what makes QuitSure a unique and effective quit smoking app is that it uproots the desire to smoke; By reading and listening to the daily sessions and practicing the mental exercises given at the end of each day. These exercises influence the way you feel about smoking, navigating you towards a smoke-free life. They positively condition the minds of smokers. 


You can always talk to the coach assigned to you by this quit smoking app or our bustling community of 25k+ members who are willing to help you towards a nicotine-free life. QuitSure targets the mind and habits, helping a user let go of their cravings. 


Psychological techniques like CBT and Mindfulness play an important role here. 


Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a psychotherapeutic approach that helps individuals change their thoughts and behaviors by identifying negative thought patterns and replacing them with positive ones. When it comes to quitting smoking, CBT can be an effective tool for breaking the psychological addiction to smoking. CBT works by helping individuals to recognize and change the thoughts and beliefs that trigger their smoking behavior. For example, CBT can help smokers identify the situations or emotions that trigger their cravings and provide them with coping strategies to manage these triggers. 

When it comes to quitting smoking, mindfulness can be a helpful tool for managing the stress and cravings that often accompany nicotine withdrawal. By practicing mindfulness techniques such as deep breathing, body scanning, and meditation, individuals can learn to observe their cravings and thoughts without reacting to them. This can help to reduce the intensity of cravings and provide a sense of control over the urge to smoke.

If you are still not convinced, here is why you should quit smoking the QuitSure way -

• Trains smoker's minds by using positive psychology, not fear - 

When smokers try to quit smoking, they are always afraid of the consequences. It is thus important that the technique that they use does not add to their fear and anxiety. 

QuitSure is probably the best quit smoking appbecause it encourages users to quit by using positive psychology. They are put in the right mindset to quit, which makes them happy, not anxious.

• Provides a support network and tools to manage the triggers - 

Quitting smoking can be a little strenuous without the right guidance. That is why this program assigns coaches to you who are available 24/7 to answer your queries. If you have anything that bothers you about the process or are unsure about why you are feeling a certain way, the coaches are there to see you through this. 

There is also a Facebook community group with 25,000+ members, who share their stories, journeys and queries and hesitation. The purpose is to inspire and be inspired!

• Educates you about the reasons behind your triggers and cravings - 

QuitSure conditions and trains a smoker's brain to dislike smoking. This quit smoking app works on a subconscious level to remove the mental dependence of a smoker on smoking. By rewiring a smoker's brain, it changes their thoughts and feelings about smoking. 

It reasons with the smoker about the laws of addiction and how the addiction works on their mind. QuitSuresimplifies the quit smoking timeline by completely discarding the craving to smoke. Once the cravings are gone, the desire to smoke also goes away! 

• Uses behavioral science to remove your smoking addiction - 

QuitSure simplifies the process of quitting smoking by raising positive consciousness in the mind of the user on the principles of psychology and behavioural sciences rather than a guilt inducing approach.

Exercises, Mindfulness and Journaling are all tools used by the app for quitting smoking; to enforce behaviouraland habit change. Smokers are unable to quit smoking because it becomes a subconscious behavior.  But what is learnt can also be unlearnt!

• Asks you to continue smoking during the program and quit when you are ready - 

Smokers, who are trying to quit, are a little hesitant to quit right away. They feel unsure about leaving their ‘companions’ behind. 

With QuitSure, they can take their time to quit. This program asks you to continue smoking during the program and quit when you are ready. They also raise awareness about the benefits of quitting smoking. Instead of directly taking a leap, one can reason, rationalize, understand and then quit smoking. 

So choose this life for yourself! You are worth the effort. Download the QuitSure, the best quit smoking app today and sign up for the program! It is time for you to stop smoking. A smoke-free life awaits you!


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