Saturday, October, 05,2024

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Will 2024 bring out the New You? Ilashrei Anand, UNESCO Awardee and renowned Certified Yoga Psychologist, draws a map to realising your dreams

Mumbai (Maharashtra): New Year resolutions often break, but what if you can create intentions that lead to achieving your final goals, suggests Ilashrei Anand, the UNESCO Awardee and renowned Certified Yoga Psychologist, who’s been consistently guiding people for over a decade now to achieve their big dreams through Yoga Psychology. Ilashrei Anand, the 40under40 Businessworld Wellbeing winner, also emphasises normalising taking therapy, especially Yoga Psychology, to resolve any issues in one’s life, whether relationships, mental health, physical wellbeing, or even career.

Ilashrei Anand says most of us only recognise Yoga as a physical activity whereas Yoga is literally the world’s first-ever documented study of the human mind and how to maximise its potential. Ilashrei Anand gives us some invaluable insights into Yoga Psychology and on how to achieve our New Year goals.

First, Sankalp (create an intention) towards the bigger goal.
 For example, if the Goal is to have a work-life balance, then create a Sankalp around the problem area, like, “I choose to spend my time wisely.” Now break down this Sankalp into three simple but powerful Yoga concepts.

Drishti (focussed gaze), which here means, maintaining a clear focus on smaller, manageable tasks for work-life balance rather than keeping a full-fledged timetable that often cracks. So, say you take out 5 minutes to video call family during lunch break instead of waiting for the day to end and spend time with them, which often gets compromised due to sudden random plans, binge-watching, or simply being super exhausted. 
Gradually, keep adding to this list, like, 3 minutes of Swadhyay (self-analysis) during a coffee break, etc.

Abhyas (regular practice) which emphasises the cumulative effect of small, consistent efforts over time, to achieve bigger victories. So, Abhyas, in this case, can be setting reminders, sticky notes, alarms, etc, for your Drishti, which here is 5-minute family call or 3 minutes of Swadhyay. 

Vairagya (non -attachment): Applying this concept to Sankalp or goal setting involves enjoying the process regardless of the final result. Hence, no matter how good /bad the call with family goes, or how incomplete or poor your Swadhyay happens, you are required to not get impacted by it but enjoy the process with Abhyas or consistent efforts.

There’s more to it, but Ilashrei Anand says that even if one applies the above shared Yoga Psychology, one can yield grand results towards their goals and thus taking Yoga Psychology therapy sessions, one not only heals a particular issue but actually brings abundance to all areas of one’s life, because Yoga focuses directly on the power of one’s mind.  

“Clinical Psychology came around late 19th century, and it's still evolving, which is a ray of hope for all, but Yoga Psychology is the full-blown mighty Sun which also sheds light on how our physical health issues like PCOS, Thyroid, Premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Fibroids, Allergies, Gut health, Weight, etc., are also a result of stress which is being finally studied and to a larger extent also confirmed by medical science via their psychosomatic branch,” quips Ilashrei Anand, who’s been actively involved in healing lives of over 1 lakh people by spreading the knowledge of Yoga Psychology. 

Why Choose Yoga Psychology Therapy in 2024?
“New year brings new hopes and dreams, but new year resolutions are also infamous for never being achieved. Yoga Psychology is like the powerhouse of not only achieving 2024 resolutions but for all years. This is because Yoga Psychology doesn’t follow a single template for all, but identifies individual root cause. Whether it is mental health issues like ADHD, PTSD, Bipolar, anxiety, panic attacks, narcissistic abuse, gaslighting, etc, or physical health issues, Yoga psychology addresses them differently for all since each soul has their individual journey, thus, everyone’s answers will be different. Choosing Yoga Psychology in 2024 is like the one miraculous gift that can deliver all your future gifts. It's about empowering yourself with self-confidence, recognising your self-worth and indulging in Swadharma (loosely translated self-love) to finally achieve your dreams," says Ilashrei Anand, whose expertise with a determined approach also led her to be honoured with Yodha Kranti Award (Young Warrior Award) 

About Ilashrei Anand
Ilashrei Anand is a highly experienced Yoga Psychologist with a passion for empowering individuals to achieve holistic well-being. She’s also Internationally Awarded by UNESCO and also recognised as being the best in her field with the 40under40 Award by Business World Wellbeing, besides being conferred various Awards from NGOs for her dedicated and selfless healing therapy sessions to those who cannot afford therapy. She gives online and offline sessions, both in personalised one-on-one Therapy sessions, besides hosting Mental Health workshops and conventions for institutes and corporates. 

You can apply the discount code “2024YogaAnand” on the website currently, for personalised Root Cause Healing Yoga Psychology sessions with Ilashrei Anand.  You can also contact [email protected] or check her work on Instagram handle @mystic_healer_   which has a strong growing community of over 113K people.

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