Sunday, October, 13,2024

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Talking of veterans, I am reminded of a quote from Aristotle “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is therefore not an act but a habit.” Since India achieved independence 75 years back, the Armed forces in general and the army in particular, have been accepted as the guardians of our borders. The army has not only fought the wars against the external enemy but has successfully helped the nation in natural calamities when the civil administration was rendered inoperative.

Nearly sixty thousand personnel of the defence forces retire annually and revert to the civil society they belong to. But when they join back the same stream as a veteran their values are 180 degree diverse to what is prevalent in the society.

There is no doubt that veterans bring with them a lot of talent needed for the nation building, but the irony is, they find no takers for their expertise in the civil arena. Actually, the values, skills, discipline and integrity what they imbibed in military service should have made them to fit the role of an outstanding leader, manager or administrator. However, the expectations of the society and the rampant corruption prohibited or at best restricted the employment opportunities for a retired soldier

So, where does the problem lie if lakhs and lakhs of trained, skilled and patriotic to the core man power is getting wasted year after year? In my opinion the blame is to be apportioned to all the three stake holders, Army, the government, and the society.

At the Army Level, my recommendations would be firstly, to foster stronger ties between the veterans and serving personnel in terms of camaraderie, consultations and concern for their welfare so that, the sense of belonging stays with them. Secondly, there is a need for the army to aggressively market the competence of all ranks for employment into civil and ensure a tie up with various corporates for employing a percentage of veterans into their ranks. And lastly, consider making up of massive shortfall of strength by select veterans found physically fit and mentally robust. If services shy away in employing their own people in sheltered and protected appointments, it is futile to expect other industries offering them opportunities. Can veterans makeup for shortfall in training centres, static headquarters and specialised appointments where continuity remains a major requirement? I strongly feel they can. Though, there will be teething troubles, but these are easily resolvable by contractual employment on specific terms.

Now talking of the initiatives at the govt level. Both the central and the state governments need to work in unison and find lateral absorption of this highly trained, disciplined, motivated and skilled manpower in CAPFs and state-run machineries. In fact, absorption of veterans into the system will improve the ethos and culture in these organizations which are not holding a high respect in the eye of a common man.

Yes, the third stake holder and the most important one is the society at large. Each city and locality need to pick on these veterans in guiding the youth in sports, life skills and values to build a strong nation. Its not always the money that attracts the veterans, it is a purpose and the respect that drives them.

Having highlighted what the three stake holders need to do, I would fail in my writing if I do not appropriately caution the veterans. During active service in the army, I sometimes articulated that a few veterans were quite a trouble. And after I joined the ranks of the veterans, this view, instead of lessening, got further compounded.

First and foremost is that the veterans should accept that they are no longer in service and accordingly there has to be a reduction of perks and privileges. My next advice would be to remain a soldier, sailor or airman and do not succumb, in areas of character, turnout, time planning and disciplined approach in life. Our society holds high respect for both serving and veterans amongst the citizens of this country and we need to be worthy of this respect by our actions.

It is unfortunate that the Nation has not been able to utilise the veterans for lack of will and focus. We must realize that correct employment of veterans may help build the national security in all its manifestations as achieved by many developed countries and provide humanitarian relief in rural and difficult terrain where civilian is hesitant to serve due to vagaries of weather.


COL ANUPAM JAITLY (R) Defence Expert, Motivational Speaker and Corporate Trainer

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