Saturday, October, 05,2024

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American and European political leaders have demonstrated exceptional unity in opposing the Russian invasion of Ukraine. As the ignominious invasion grinds towards a protracted war, the United States and Europe should convey their resolve to stay the course by articulating clear objectives for the end of the war.

The United States and Europe should plainly state that their tactical goal is to ensure a Ukraine victory. Ukraine has earned the right to define the parameters of victory within its sovereign territory. It should be the United States’ policy to do all in its power, short of direct military confrontation with Russia, to ensure Ukraine wins and Russia loses.

Russia needs to come out poorer for having unlawfully invaded a peaceful neighbor. Lest it consolidate its ill-gotten gains and bide it’s time for another strike – as has been Russia’s way under Putin’s rule. The Russian invasion of Ukraine is not just a regional conflict. It is a frontal attack by a revisionist autocracy on the rules-based free world that enabled over seven decades of unprecedented global peace and prosperity. Russia’s blatant attack on the free world order should be forcefully repulsed to ensure such attacks are not repeated or encouraged.

A resolute response would warn China not to follow in Russia’s footsteps in attempting to take Taiwan by force. The peace and prosperity of the United States, Eurowwpe and the rest of the free world depends on it. Ambivalence and half measures paved the way to the invasion of Ukraine. Gazing into Putin’s soul, pressing RESET buttons with Lavrov and taking Putin’s word over your own intelligence services need be relegated to the dustbin of history as grave follies.

Staying the course through a protracted war in Ukraine to its eventual victory will be hard. Transatlantic leaders, in respect to their citizens, should be candid about it. It is in America and Europe’s direct national interest to ensure a Ukraine victory and to preserve the Free World order. Failure will incur high costs in blood and treasure both here and now, as well as down the road. Consequently, this endeavor is deserving of sacrifice by free world citizens, including enduring momentary discomfort and high costs.

In the near-term, America and Europe should act with greater urgency along three fronts to ensure a Ukrainian victory: strengthening Ukraine’s defensive capabilities, buttressing Ukraine’s finances and exacting extensive economic costs on Russia to desist its war. Humanitarian assistance for over seven million displaced Ukrainians should continue unabated. Ukrainians have proven that with right weapons they are more than a match for the Russian conscripts.

America and Europe should augment their supply of defensive weapons – with requisite lethality – for Ukraine’s forces to take the fight to the Russians within Ukraine’s sovereign territory. Importantly, America should prioritize building Ukrainian air defense capacity with all necessary haste. Ukraine cannot be allowed to falter for the lack of appropriate munitions. America and Europe should guarantee that the Ukrainian state remains solvent. The country is at war with its economy in shambles.

The US and Europe should act through the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank to provide a robust financial assistance package to Ukraine. The G7 could establish a Ukraine Reconstruction and Reinvestment Fund with credit guarantees.


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