Saturday, October, 05,2024

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Turning disability into his ability, get to know India's first specially-abled standup comedian!

1. What is that one flame of fury inside of you that never gives up no matter what?

Answer 1 )  Well, I don't think I have such flames of fury within me, but a 'Keeda' surely exists inside me. The curious 'Keeda' of doing something different or doing something different. Thanks to this risk-taking Keeda, I tend to take flying arrows every now & then, which brings me both great and fatal consequences. But importantly, I happily accept both the results. And yes! that Keeda surely helps keeps me going, going ahead.

2. What made you pursue this field of work regardless of its risks?

Answer 2) Well, if you look it that way, I think every field carries its risks. But to make anyone laugh, it is is difficult and priceless. You never know what kind of a hard time a person is going through. And so, when You make that person smile with your craft, skills and wit; you get their blessings as a reward, and that is the thing I am willing to take a risk for

3. How do you get back up after falling into the shackles of disability? How do you stay inspired?

Answer 3 ) Initially, it was a bit difficult, but I started looking on the positive side later. I don't need to worry about cutting those toenails, or I have to worry about getting my footwear stolen outside the temple because who would want a single shoe, right?

Humour, in every case, works for me & keeps me inspired, and after all, it's all about one's perception.

4. Do you crave challenges and opportunities and will go to great lengths to accomplish them?

Answer 4) Mostly, I crave Pizza & avoid challenges, but Yes! An Opportunity is something I constantly look out for. They say an opportunity never knocks twice, So I ensure to keep my door open, always for new opportunities

5. What do you think has been your greatest support system?

Answer 5) My Family and my Friends. From my parents to my sister and dear wife, I owe it a big time to them. I am quite fragile in many ways, and they have supported me is unbelievable. Apart from my family, I am what I am today because of my friends. If they weren't around, I would probably be more successful.

Haha! Doing what I do the best. Kidding.

6. What made you grow out of the pains and the challenge and explore a whole new different career avenue?

Answer 6) I think God has gifted me with the skill of making people laugh. That comes naturally to me. Touch wood for sure. And sometimes, I think God has allocated me a duty to entertain people. The other important reason is that, honestly, I am too lazy to do other jobs. I think I Write, and I Speak. That does it for me. Most of the time, I can do it all while lying on a couch, so yes, why not?

7. Do you think the audience is ready for a Lil change in the world of standup comedians?

Answer 7)  I think the audience is always ready if a change comes with better quality. Stand Up comedy as an art form has always been around us, but I think nowadays, we are heading to the golden era of this art form & I am more than willing to contribute in whatever capacity I can. And with the crowd open to changes and uniqueness, don't you think it's time for a little change in the industry?

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