Thursday, October, 24,2024

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Man of the universe. Modiji has every single element of the universe balanced in such a super human way that astuteness in statesmanship becomes his second nature.The narrator brings to the readers how Modiji has complete control over human nature and his razor sharp intelligence, infinite wisdom, emotional intelligence and deep knowledge, make him the genius who is loved, followed and revered by not just the nation but the world. Modiji’s personality is multifaceted. With children, he assumes the persona of a child. With adults, he knows which aspect of his personality to bring to the front to make the best out of a situation. When interacting with him, one never feels one is trying to establish a connection with the unattainable. He is extremely welcoming and responsive and never makes one feel that one is trying to converse with somebody unapproachable. He is ever open to suggestions and we never hesitate to talk our ideas out with him. Modiji is always super receptive to ideation with out-ofthe-box thinking being his forte. He has the knack of making any conversation lively and cheery by responding and reacting to each and every idea.

In 1983, my father left us for his heavenly abode but Modiji’s presence was so powerful and embracing that I never felt I did not have my father around me or that there was none any more to care about me. In 1987, I became CA. In 1988, I got my office renovated. Now office renovation is no big deal but at a personal level, I was made to feel extremely special by the presence of Modiji and all my colleagues at the function I had organized. When people make it a point to lend their support at events such as these, life becomes so much happier and inspiring. Well, I got married in 1989. It came as a surprise for me that the businessmen meet was decided to be held in the same city as that of my wedding venue to make it convenient for everyone to attend the function. So not for once did I feel that I was alone or that my father wasn’t there. An interesting incident that I would like to share is from the time when I was in-charge of the computer centre in 2002. I was also handling work pertaining to electronic media. It was the first time that Modiji was contesting an election. First he became CM and then in six months he had to get elected and he decided to fight from Rajkot. Since it was a high profile election, people from all over Gujarat were expected and we wanted to make use of this opportunity. We built a writeup and 15 to 20 of us did our groundwork and shared our thoughts with Modiji. But as we all know, Modiji, has a different and varied perspective to everything and he gave us eye-opening suggestions about how we could use the presence of a huge gathering to our advantage. As we had figured out that those part of the event would certainly have relatives and friends wanting to support Modiji, we decided to tap that potential. Eventually we made lists of all the people who would vote for Modiji as suggested by the attendees, and then we monitored them throughout.

An interesting aspect that came out of this event was when we came up with the idea of recording an IVR kind of message by Modiji. It was a simple but extremely effective message as in those days technology was not so advanced and nothing like this had been done earlier. We got a high quality voice recording done with automatic dialing features, and got all the STDs and PCOs to work towards this campaign. It turned out to be fantastic and people were elated to receive calls saying “Hello, It is me, Narendra Modi. This election is very important…” in Gujarati and an instant bond was created with our voter base. The campaign created a kind of a stir in the circles and people were thrilled with the newness of the idea. Not just this, Modiji because of his futuristic vision, asked me to figure out a way to share his message across to all the stakeholders at once. Every Saturday or Sunday he would come to Rajkot but in two days how many meetings could he be present for? He suggested we record a video of his message and buy VCD players for each of the 18 wards in which the recording could be played to the people. Modiji always thinks ahead of time and his ideas strike a cord with the people because of their innovativeness. This is the reason why people connect more and more with Modiji. In February, my wife, daughter and I went to meet Modiji. One knows immediately that you are standing in front of a great leader when he addresses you with first name. And this is how Modiji is! He always begins the interaction with “How are you? How is your mother? Hope you didn’t face any problem during COVID!” Meeting him is like meeting a family member and there is nothing formal about it. I am into micro-finance and I shared with him a few ideas that I was planning for Gujarat and said that we must implement the idea all over India. Immediately he took interest in the suggestions and responded positively. Last but not least, Modiji is the perfect Management Guru. He is a master delegator as he knows exactly who has the potential to successfully complete a particular work. He also ensures that all the IAS officers, who possess deep knowledge about the functioning of the country, work hard towards the development of the nation. He does not limit his reach only to the party members, but takes everyone along to work for progress. Another observation that I have made is that if you show him something on a paper, he never touches it. He will ask you to explain everything orally and will come up with the solution there and then, leaving nothing for the future. All I can say is that he is a master of Monkey Theory and he uses it for maximum benefit.



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