Thursday, October, 03,2024

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NaMo Messiah of POOR

Compassionate, Conscientious, Considerate PM Narendra Modi ‘feels’ for his people

A close associate of PM Modi, the narrator brings to the fore the meticulous planner, the tech visionary, the compassionate messiah of the poor and the protective, loving father figure that PM Modi is, not just for those close to him but for the entire nation.

Modiji was visiting Kashi and I got the opportunity to meet him and interact with him. As I entered his room, I got this feeling of tremendous calm and simplicity. There was one single bed in the centre covered with a white sheet, and a sofa on which he would sit and read. Other than this, there was not a single piece of furniture and of course, there wasn’t a sign of luxury or the presence of facilities. Someone who would look at the place from the outside could never have fathomed the level of modesty with which Modiji lived. Even today, he has no expectations or desires nor any needs.

I vividly remember the Ekta Yatra undertaken to Kashmir to hoist the national flag. Modiji was the national in-charge of this yatra and I feel I was particularly fortunate to have got to know him from close quarters during this yatra. He possesses the ability to go into the minutest details of the matter at hand. He spoke to us “If you travel by bus, there is Punjab on the way, terrorism is at its peak both in Punjab and Kashmir, you will not be able to alight from the bus till you are in safe zone! Do not get down anywhere but your destination. Now, make your arrangements for a possibility when you need to but cannot get down of the bus. Your meals, your water, answering nature’s call - plan every little detail of your journey!” And all thanks to such meticulous and careful planning, we did not face a single glitch or difficulty till we got down at Jammu. His vision and care for his people is terrific.

Elections were on in 2014. Modiji was traveling all over the country. In Jayapur, a village in Varanasi, a high tension wire had snapped and was hanging in the middle of a road. Three people had been electrocuted and were hospitalized in a serious condition. There was no electricity in the village ever since this happened in the morning and residents were miserable. We got to know of this incident and Modiji asked us to go the village and meet the people. We reached at night. It was the last leg of his travel and Modiji asked me over phone “What news do you have of Jayapur? Hand over the phone to Pradhanji.” Modiji, at a time when he was running his Prime Ministerial campaign, ordered Pradhanji and us to ensure that this problem was resolved at the earliest. Neither the electricians nor the police had visited the area till then. Now, if it was anyone else other than Modiji, he or she would have thought it’s just a small, everyday problem in a small village and they would have waited till the next day morning to even consider if it was worth looking into! But this is Modiji, not any ordinary statesman. He had been on a gruelling schedule but that did not deter him from taking the bull by the horns late in the night because for him, people always come first! This is what is most remarkable about him. Execution, speedy and efficient, is his style of working to make things better for the citizens.

These virtual meetings are happening are happening now but Modiji, I believe through GNFC cloud networking, ensured long back that the DM, Collector and SP do not have to travel and still stay connected. Complete information dissemination in real time has been taking place virtually because Modiji had that vision 20 years back. On his 68th birthday, I remember once he was sitting with rag-pickers’ children. He narrated stories to these children who do not go to school, he played with them and was so engrossed in conversation with them for almost half an hour, it seemed he did not remember that he is the PM. He became their father for those 45 minutes. Children were sitting on his lap, they were playing and having a gala time with him.

Another incident I clearly recollect is when an industrialist laid off almost 1,700 workers without any prior notice and this was illegal. I spoke to Modiji about this. I told him that he factory will continue to operate but what will these men, who have lost their jobs, go and tell their wives and children? Some of them are sure to commit suicide. Modiji took instant action. He has always been pro-weak and has compassion for the poor. He made sure that all the labourers got justice and their due. While for few of them he ensured they got their compensation, about 1,100 of them got their jobs back. The company was not allowed to just lay off so many people in an unfair and unethical way. Just like this, there are thousands of examples that reflect his deep love and attachment towards the poor, the weak and the needy.

I got COVID on 10 March, 2021. I was critical in the first few days. First thing Modiji did when he got to know about my condition, he sent me off to the hospital. And till the time I shifted to Medanta from there and did not recover, I can never forget the regular calls I received from him, every morning and every evening. If I would get breathless, he asked me to hand over the phone to someone and took updates about my condition. Modiji’s own doctor would call not just me, but the team of doctors of Medanta and PGI as well. What medication was to be administered to me, what I needed to do to recover sooner and breath better, PM Modi took such special care of me in those 6 crucial days of my life, it was not just unbelievable, but will remain forever etched in my heart as those days of my life when I felt I got my father back to me make me well again! Probably my father would not have been able to do what Modiji did for me - PM Modi traversed the Kailash Parvat to give me a new life! TO BE CONTINUED...


Sunil Ojha shares that in 2014, a high tension wire had snapped in Jayapur, a village in Varanasi, and was hanging in the middle of a road, Three people had been electrocuted and were hospitalized in a serious condition. “Modiji asked us to go the village and meet the people. We reached at night. He ordered Pradhanji and us to ensure that this problem was resolved at earliest, this is Modiji, not any ordinary statesman.” Ojha added.

When an industrialist laid off almost 1,700 workers without any prior notice and this was illegal. Modiji took instant action. He made sure that all the labourers got justice and their due. Out of 1,700 a total of 1,100 got their jobs back after Modiji’s intervention.There are thousands of examples that refl ect Modiji’s deep love and attachment towards the poor, the weak and the needy.

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