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New Delhi
3 February 1948

My dear Vallabhbhai,
When Bapu was alive we had hoped to meet him together and discuss various matters that had troubled us somewhat. You will remember our correspondence. In my last letter I had expressed the hope that, inspite of certain differences of opinion and temperament, we should continue to pull together as we had done for so long. This was, I was glad to find, Bapu’s final opinion also.
Now, with Bapu’s death everything is changed and we have to face a different and more difficult world. The old controversies have ceased to have much significance and it seems to me that the urgent need of the hour is for all of us to function as closely and co-operatively as possible. Indeed, there is no other way.
I have been greatly distressed by the persistence of whispers and rumours about you and me, magnifying out of all proportions any differences we may have. This has spread to foreign ambassadors and foreign correspondents; mischiefmakers take advantage of this and add to it. Even the Services are affected and this is bad. We must put an end to this mischief.
It is over a quarter of a century since we have been closely associated with one another and we have faced many storms and perils together. I can say with full honesty that during this period my affection and regard for you have grown, and I do not think my affection can happen to lessen this. Even our differences have brought out the far greater points of agreement between us and the respect we bear to each other. We have even learnt to agree to differ and yet carry on together.
Anyway, in the crisis that we have to [face] now after Bapu’s death I think it is my duty and, if I may venture to say, yours also for us to face it together as friends and colleagues. Not merely superficially, but in full loyalty to one another and with confidence in each other. I can assure you that you will have that from me. If I have any doubt or difficulty I shall put it frankly to you, and I hope you will do the same to me.
I had hoped to have a long talk with you, but we are so terribly pressed for time that we can hardly see each other in private for long. Some time or other, soon I hope, we shall have this talk and remove any misunderstandings or misapprehensions that may have arisen. Such talks are necessary from time to time. But meanwhile I do not want to wait for this talk and hence this letter, which carries with it my affection and friendship for you.

Yours affectionately

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

New Delhi
5 February 1948

My dear Jawaharlal,
I am deeply touched, indeed overwhelmed, by the affection and warmth of your letter of 3 February. I fully and heartily reciprocate the sentiments you have so feelingly expressed.
We both have been lifelong comrades in a common cause. The paramount interests of our country and our mutual love and regard, transcending such differences of outlook and temperament as existed, have held us together. Both of us have stuck passionately to our respective points of view or methods of work; still we have always sustained a unity of heart which has stood many a stress and strains and which had enabled us to function jointly both in the Congress and in the Government.
Recent events had made me very unhappy and I had written to Bapu when I was going to Bombay appealing to him to relieve me, but his death changes everything and the crisis that has overtaken us must awaken in us a fresh realisation of how much we have achieved together and the need for further joint efforts in our grief-stricken country’s interest.
I had the good fortune to have a last talk with him for over an hour just before his death and he communicated to me what had passed between you and him as well as his talk with HE [Lord Mountbatten]. He had also fixed an appointment to meet both of us the next day. His opinion also binds us both and I can assure you that I am fully resolved to approach my responsibilities and obligations in this spirit.
I agree with you that we must find more time for mutual consultations so that we can keep each other informed of, and in touch with, what is happening and we can thus resolve any points of difference that might arise.
We should also find an early opportunity to have a long talk and clear our minds of any doubts and difficulties that may be there. Continued harping on our differences in public or in private is bad for us, bad for the Services and Bad for the country. The sooner we set this at rest once for all and clear the murky atmosphere the better.


The Hon’ble Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru


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