Thursday, October, 24,2024

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Do Marks Maketh The Man?

Just after 5th grade, I was shipped off to Dehra Dun. On this unfamiliar, large campus, with no one else from my hometown, I felt strangely alone. Also, a sudden shift from CBSE to ICSE saw my marks in a downward spiral. I was miserable. Back home for vacation, I had decided not to return and nervously broke the news to my parents. When they asked me why, I said my grades were suffering, and that I’d amount to nothing in life if I continued this way. Do you know what they told me? “We have not sent you to boarding school for your marks. We have sent you there to experience life!” That statement stayed with me not just when I returned to school for the new term. It has become a life mantra of sorts. A myriad of experiences and exposure I got at school transformed the way I think, what decisions I make and my outlook on life. Later when I went abroad to Film School, there too while I worked hard in class, I ensured that I soaked in every little unique pursuit outside of class as well. Be it mingling with people from different cultures, attending stand-upcomedy nights, seeing my favourite bands in concert or eating a variety of cuisines to my heart’s content. That was my education. That I did not always score 90%, and that I am writing and sharing my experiences with you today through this newspaper; I’d say I’ve done well, wouldn’t you? The truth is, life is not some exam that one can prepare for by cramming up ten textbooks. So today I want to share with all of you a few rules that I have tried to lead my life by. I am confident they will benefit you immensely!

It never helps to be a bookworm. Had I not gone trekking and got lost in the forests of Uttarakhand, almost been attacked by a bear and capsized my boat in the middle of Naini-Taal, I never would have known or learnt how to combat difficult situations. So be open. Put yourself out there and experience as many adventures as possible. It builds character and imparts immense learning.

Have you heard of a little concept called karma? It’s true. What goes around, comes around. So be a good Samaritan. Be helpful, kind and forthcoming. Respect all species and genders, the differently abled, the planet, the environment, family and friends. When you are good to someone, that someone is good to you. That is the simple equation of life, and you don’t even need a mnemonic to remember it!

Most of us reading this newspaper are fortunate enough to travel quite regularly, be it within India or abroad. Travel though, completely. Don’t just go to the mall and shop. Immerse yourself in the history, culture and people of the place you find yourself holidaying in. When I first got to LA for film school, my Armenian taxi driver saved me from nearly being robbed. He could have just as easily ignored the impending incident and gotten away from there. He chose instead to intervene. I celebrated new year’s even with his family and him at his home in Little Armenia and now we’re friends for life! And I know so much about that culture.

Curiosity killed the cat, not the human! A thirst for knowledge comes from within. It is not satiated or measured by the marks you score in your accounts or physics exam. My thirst for learning has made me sing Indian classical music, play the Tabla, Flute and Santoor and be a Writer & Columnist, Educator and Literary Moderator. And you know what the funny thing is? I never took an exam for any of this! They were and continue to be things I am passionate about, and my curiosity for them has made me pursue and gain knowledge in them.

Finally, be proud of who you are. Whatever that may be. If you are Indian, be a proud patriot. If you love Hindi Literature, say it with pride. From your hobbies to your interests, to your passions, to your sexual orientation, to your subject choices, to your career goals; be true to yourself, and be proud of that truth. Too many people my age who are ‘doing well’ are miserable! And no matter what high marks they got on their exams and all the pots of money they are earning today, they are NOT happy. You can ONLY be happy if you are true to yourself. All those at the cusp of adulthood; the time is ripe to explore, discover and reinvent yourselves. Marks don’t maketh the man. But how you live and experience life does!

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