Monday, October, 07,2024

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Every unique way of thinking starts with keeping in mind the inclusion of all factors. Only When we start observing things from everyone’s perspective; new and innovative imagination start forming in our minds. Inclusion here means taking into consideration the feelings of people whom we hate or ignore sometimes. The only way to change their perspective or respect towards is generally through our innovative work. Let’s take an example of Nissan. Nissan wanted to design a car for the European market. So in order to do so, the company sent its auto designer to Europe and he took different cars on rent and travelled thousands of miles to experience what European motorists Experience while Driving. They drove various areas like Alps of France, the whole of Italy, Autobahn of German in those cars. Then on arriving back, he designed a car that was perfect for the European market. So innovative thinking means considering the end-users needs. Innovative thinking has always had risks. We feel unsatisfied if our child won’t study in high paying fields like engineering and medicine, and also if he is not superior to his cousins and neighbors. But if we allow our child to follow his/ her then there are high possibilities of the child turning out to be an Innovator. However, all of it is about taking a risk. As Steve jobs once said in a very apt manner, we don’t allow our children to do experiments; we don’t allow them to fail in his subject of interest. In India, there is no respect of a person who failed once, well in case of Silicon Valley such person assumed more valued.

If we take the e x - ample of Harish Hande, Harish Hande experienced the importance of innovative thinking while he was pursuing doctorate at Boston University in the USA. He got a chance to visit the Dominican Republic once. It was there when he understood the relationship between poverty and darkness for the first time. After that, his heart belonged there and he decided to contribute his entire life in producing affordable energy sources for poor and needy people. After that he started spending sometime in the villages of Sri Lanka to understand the needs and struggles of such people. There was nobody who knew English over there. He invented the solar devices, not keeping in mind how it would benefit the city but from the perspective of the village area. People of the village of Sri Lanka told Mr Harish that scarcity of heat or solar light is not our problem. But the problem was of the cluster of elephants that comes in the night and they destroy crops and harts and also kill people many times. Harish made solar operated fencing to protect the lives and wealth of people. Then he came to India to establish SELCO. The main aim of taking this risk of Four Million Dollars was only to identify new uses of energy and improve the lives of villages as well as cities by that continuous innovation. Harish had the ability to take a high paying job anywhere in the world. But he took social responsibility for people who were at the bottom of the economic pyramid by ignoring the struggles. Be it Steve jobs or Harish Hande, either if it’s a company or an 0rganization one thing was common in such personalities; they created their own path. A known path is easy to tread upon but there are very few people who make their own path. Risk-takers have such intentions and so should you to adopt a new way of thinking for making your own path.


BHAVESH UPADHYAY The writer is a Businessman and HR Expert

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