Tuesday, October, 01,2024

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Unpaid bills worth Rs 1,900 crore keep Discoms in red

Jaipur: Jaipur DISCOM MD, RN Kumawat has directed the DISCOM officials to coordinate with various government departments for the recovery of dues against electricity bills.

Power DISCOMs are already facing financial crisis and dues on government department against electricity bills amounting to Rs 1,900 crore, are making the situation worse.

In such a situation, Jaipur DISCOM MD has directed the field officers to coordinate with the departments for recovery of outstanding amounts. Jaipur DISCOM has to recover nearly Rs 1,000 crore from government departments.

For this, the DISCOM has started strictness so that the maximum recovery can be made in 15 days of the current fiscal year.

Government departments give last priority to pay electricity bills. In the reports of January month of all three DISCOMs, the outstanding amount has reached Rs 1,900 crore and maximum of it, Rs 1,267 crore, is due on various UITs.

Apart from this, the departments which have not paid electricity bills are PHED, Police and other departments.

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