Tuesday, October, 01,2024

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Mining saw unprecedented progress in 5 yrs: Experts

Jaipur: Regarding innovation and future planning in the mines sector, First India News in collaboration with Rajasthan State Mines and Minerals Limited organized a state level conference on the topic ‘Innovation and Future Planning in Mining Sector’ on Sunday.

Actually, great work has been done in various sectors in the state, but mining is one sector which has seen unprecedented progress in the last 5 years. With the coming of the new mining policy and recently through Vision 2030, the state government has also discussed future plans with the stakeholders and has taken rapid steps towards simplification of various mining processes.

Rajasthan has set new records in the auction of major minerals blocks. While only eight blocks of major minerals were auctioned in the last financial year, 16 mining blocks have been auctioned in the first six months of this financial year. Due to which the revenue of the state government has not only increased but also employment has been created. Rajasthan State Mines and Minerals has made an unprecedented contribution in the mining sector.

The subject experts related to the mining sector, Lokendra Singh, Devendra Shastri, Suraj Soni, First India News Associate Editor Nirmal Tiwari put forward important views regarding the mining sector.

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