Tuesday, October, 01,2024

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New Delhi: PM Narendra Modi received a rousing welcome at the BJP HQ in Delhi on Wednesday and was felicitated by senior party leaders for holding a successful G20 Summit. This is PM Modi's first visit to the party headquarters since the conclusion of the G20 summit in Delhi on September 10. PM Modi was at the BJP HQ to attend the party's Central Election Committee to discuss upcoming elections in Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. Union ministers Amit Shah and Rajnath Singh besides other leaders, lined up at the party office to receive Modi who was showered with flower petals by the cheering supporters gathered there in large numbers.

The BJP parliamentary board on Wednesday passed a resolution congratulating PM Modi for success in hosting G20 Leaders Summit. In the resolution, the board noted with "great pride the impeccable leadership and unwavering commitment" showcased by PM Modi at the summit.

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