Monday, October, 07,2024

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Sheeba Akashdeep on Body shaming: It's kind of wrongly ingrained in our minds from a very young age, that white is right and thin is in

Body shaming is a reality. Not only the female gender, even their counterparts have to deal with it. Some people often pass not only comments but even start giving free advice and tips. Actress Sheeba Aakashdeep currently seen in the show Baatein Kuch Ankahee Si speaks on the issue.

"Body shaming starts when you are a young kid. Kids are bullied for their colour, weight, height and so many other things. I think it begins with parents talking about their child's features or body as a joke," she says.

We as a society and nation unavoidably look at the looks/appearance of a person. Even darker boys and girls are stared at and commented upon in schools, colleges, offices and even in the entertainment industry.

"I don't understand how a small kid learns to bully other kids based on their weight or height or the colour of their skin. I feel children must be educated about it at an early age. They should be told that let people be tolerant of every size, and every colour. We should stop looking at certain body types and certain body colours and stop setting a standard for beauty. Most importantly, we need to stop considering only those kinds of bodies or skin colour as beautiful. We must tell them that being alive is beautiful," she explains.

Sheeba states that it's kind of ingrained in our minds from a very young age, that white is right and thin is in. "Though it's not. It's high time and we need to change the entire generation's mindset. People need to have better thoughts," she says.

In all professional sectors including the entertainment industry people react in a similar pattern. "When we stop conforming to standards set by unreasonable stereotypes in social media and people stop photoshopping themselves to appear thinner and fairer they even stop complimenting people for the same, and the world will start changing. When we start teaching our kids at an early age that everybody is beautiful. There are all shapes, sizes and kinds of people in the world and everybody is beautiful in their way and deserves the act of acceptance. I think that is how the world will change," she concludes.

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