Monday, September, 30,2024

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Bigg Boss 17: Sana Raees Khan stands against violence

Lawyer Sana Raees Khan seems to be the only one in her house, in the Bigg Boss house, who everyone has no issues with. She was the only one out of her group to not be nominated yesterday.

During the nomination process, she nominated Anurag, which was the right thing to do as many fights are being started in the house because of him. She was not okay with how he went and manipulated what Tehelka was saying about quitting the show. Besides this, she was to nominate Samarth, but chose Tehelka instead. The reason that she gave was the violence that he showcases in the house. He has been getting very violent, both through his words and actions, and this has been bothering  a lot of people in the house. So even though Tehelka is her friend, she nominated him.

Well, all we can say is that Sana has been playing brilliantly. She is one of the very few in the house who has managed to make true friends, who are not deterred by her nominating them or vice-versa.

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